The Falkland Islands and South Atlantic
Falkland Pipit- Anthus correndera grayi

Falkland Pipit- Anthus correndera grayi

  • pippit

Falkland Islands 'Skylark', resident breeder, a tiny, length: 14.5 cm (6 - 6.5 inches) light buff bird heavily streaked with dark brown on the back and breast. A ground-loving bird preferring the dense white grass cover. Pipits feed on insects and spiders.

They breed from September to December with sometimes three broods.

There are similar races in southern South America but the race A.c. grayi breeds only on the Falklands.

  • pipit-rob





Sources include: Falkland Islands State of the Environment Report 2008 Otley H, Munro G, Clausen A, Ingham B. A Field Guide to the Wildlife of The Falkland Islands and South Georgia - Ian J Strange, Guide to Birds of the Falkland Islands- Robin W. Woods.
Photographic credits: , Falklands pipit-Robert Maddocks
Photographs and Images Copyright: The images on this site have been bought under licence or have been used with the permission of their owners. They may not be copied or downloaded in any form without their owner's consent.
















